Dark Sky Land is a New Mexico-based, interdisciplinary, night sky ecology - wildlife preservation organization, intended to create and develop an experimental context where ancient culture, community, advocacy, space science, innovation, nature adventurers and the unknown converge.

Our mission is to rapidly preserve a 200-mile astronomical-wildlife corridor region from light pollution’s existential threat to wildlife, astronomy, human health, biodiversity, ancestral culture, and future generations.

It takes place in a landscape of natural darkness, where creators, astronomers, native leaders, wilderness conservationists, on foot Continental Divide Trail travelers, national and international adventurers, ancestors, come together to connect, observe and study the self and the cosmos from earth.

One of Dark Sky Land strategies is to introduce a sustainable and innovative form of Astro-tourism, which promotes the creation of quality employment and the diversification of the current offer dedicated to the land based tourism industry in New Mexico. The main beneficiaries are the local communities, specially in rural areas that, due to their lower population density and low light pollution, have better skies. It also revalues the ancestral native, scientific, environmental, and ethnographic heritage of the territory, which we combine with the sky.

The 200-mile high desert night ecological and National Forests route offers a breathtaking, intriguing and immersive scenic voyage into the cosmos and the natural world.

The proximity to the center of an ancient astro-archeological universe, Chaco Canyon, El Mal Pais and other close by Native Pueblos Land is an inspiration to engage in a multidimensional based experience. Dark Sky Land reconsiders the potential of inclusive collaborations as an innovative and necessary grounded practice.

We are working close to New Mexico DarkSky International Chapter in order to secure denominations for sanctuaries, parks and reserves along the corridor by 2026, as well as moving forward the 1999 New Mexico Dark Sky Wildlife Protection Act to the New Mexico Legislature by 2025.